Welcome to Marketing with Jackson!
My company took part in a 5 day long field training mission last week, we camped out in back of the motor pool, set up all our tents, and were locked in the motor pool premises which is probably 5 acres the whole week. It went surprisingly smoothly. There are definitely things to do for everybody in the military while on duty, sometimes its just hard to find for the individual, they don't want to do anything, or there are other obstacles to being productive such as logistics (supply) lack of knowledge, not being able to find someone you need in order to accomplish the task, or the task doesn't fall within the responsibility of the soldier.
I dont like not working, I am not comfortable standing around socializing or sitting stationary, I like focusing on a task and bringing it to completion, there is a good energy from working for me, but there is a an anxious, unsettled feeling about wandering around the motorpool with nothing to do, which a lot of people do especially in a field environment which can be more chaotic.
I notice that commanders and leaders are quick to praise the work of their respective squads companies etc much like coaches rallying football teams to victory. Your the best your the best your the best, great job great job great job. The truth is there are very strong veins of pessimism within the Army, often times from kids who don't know appreciate the value of optimism and positivist and how strongly it effects the impact of the organization and the 'esprit de core'. Young men signed up for vigorous fitness, but now they are fat and cant pass a pt test and are failing their weight. They signed up for vigorous discipline and to be part of a strong militant organization that will pay them dividends financially socially and professionally for the rest of their lives, yet they are sick to death of the 'toxic leadership' 'directionless agenda', and their disaffection is contagious to other impressionable soldiers. Even up into the ranks of sergeants you have a 'i dont give a fuck' mentality.
Changing attitudes is tricky and I haven't given it much thought but I do have a few ideas formulated to address some of the problems that I see:
- have one person, probably a sergeant, in charge of making sure everybody has direction, and has something to work on, this would probably be one of his main functions.
- introduce to the company a walky talky app or a tracking app so that people can find each other instead of wandering aimlsly around the vast motor pool like lost puppies. maybe encourage Bluetooth acquisitions.
-maintain a list of errands and tasks which need to be completed which can be structured in different levels of expertise for the MOS, and are outside of the immediate mechanical requirements specific to the MOS, so if people are doing nothing, there is no excuse because you dont have to wait on parts or supplies for these tasks, which may include taking inventories, cleaning, organizing. This is especially important for times such as 'after lunch' when people are standing around as squads or sections waiting for direction.
- make it policy that when a knowledgeable soldier is completing a difficult task with a 'trainee' that they are actively teching and talking about what they are doing. If I have nothing to do I often will watch someone else, and they wont say anything about what they are doing, I should not have to ask million questions, I'm not little curious George bombarding the all knowing sage with demands for his valuable attention, I am a trainee in need of training and I expect to receive that; its not my responsibility to initiate the training environment its my responsibility to learn.
I dont like not working, I am not comfortable standing around socializing or sitting stationary, I like focusing on a task and bringing it to completion, there is a good energy from working for me, but there is a an anxious, unsettled feeling about wandering around the motorpool with nothing to do, which a lot of people do especially in a field environment which can be more chaotic.
I notice that commanders and leaders are quick to praise the work of their respective squads companies etc much like coaches rallying football teams to victory. Your the best your the best your the best, great job great job great job. The truth is there are very strong veins of pessimism within the Army, often times from kids who don't know appreciate the value of optimism and positivist and how strongly it effects the impact of the organization and the 'esprit de core'. Young men signed up for vigorous fitness, but now they are fat and cant pass a pt test and are failing their weight. They signed up for vigorous discipline and to be part of a strong militant organization that will pay them dividends financially socially and professionally for the rest of their lives, yet they are sick to death of the 'toxic leadership' 'directionless agenda', and their disaffection is contagious to other impressionable soldiers. Even up into the ranks of sergeants you have a 'i dont give a fuck' mentality.
Changing attitudes is tricky and I haven't given it much thought but I do have a few ideas formulated to address some of the problems that I see:
- have one person, probably a sergeant, in charge of making sure everybody has direction, and has something to work on, this would probably be one of his main functions.
- introduce to the company a walky talky app or a tracking app so that people can find each other instead of wandering aimlsly around the vast motor pool like lost puppies. maybe encourage Bluetooth acquisitions.
-maintain a list of errands and tasks which need to be completed which can be structured in different levels of expertise for the MOS, and are outside of the immediate mechanical requirements specific to the MOS, so if people are doing nothing, there is no excuse because you dont have to wait on parts or supplies for these tasks, which may include taking inventories, cleaning, organizing. This is especially important for times such as 'after lunch' when people are standing around as squads or sections waiting for direction.
- make it policy that when a knowledgeable soldier is completing a difficult task with a 'trainee' that they are actively teching and talking about what they are doing. If I have nothing to do I often will watch someone else, and they wont say anything about what they are doing, I should not have to ask million questions, I'm not little curious George bombarding the all knowing sage with demands for his valuable attention, I am a trainee in need of training and I expect to receive that; its not my responsibility to initiate the training environment its my responsibility to learn.
- With mechanics there are services which are completed on a weekly biennial and annual bases, the annual service is supposed to take around 60 hours but is usually just glazed over by checking the 'vitals' including the hubs, the batteries, the lights, the fluid levels, etc. We are way behind on services with very many late vehicles, yet we are only completing a fractionof the actual service. Things are complicated by the fact that some vehicles will only have driven about 14 miles in the whole 6 months. What is required is an honest look at the time requirements and the expectations of soldiers regarding the service packet, because this could present a serious problem in productivity if you have a different tolerance for deviation from the service packet between NCO's, and also if we go to combat the standard is going to change because the leaders will not want to get shafted if a breakdown occurs when vehicles are actually being taxed, so your going to have a change in standard operating procedure, when we could be training for those conditions right now. There needs to be a middle ground for service expectations and the soldiers need to be held to those standards.
Other things to benefit the military
- parade rest is a painful position which hurts the rotator cuffs, I have been to the physical therapist for problems with my shoulder and this is not a 'rest' position, take a poll of military members and ask if 'attention' is more comfortable than 'parade rest', your going to find that some think attention is better, which proves my point.
Other things to benefit the military
- parade rest is a painful position which hurts the rotator cuffs, I have been to the physical therapist for problems with my shoulder and this is not a 'rest' position, take a poll of military members and ask if 'attention' is more comfortable than 'parade rest', your going to find that some think attention is better, which proves my point.
The best position for ceremony and parades and whatever else is standing with the hands folding in front of the body, the body has been evolved by Darwin for the arms to sit naturally like this. Before evolution even started, when we were still animals, we used to move our hands in front of us to catch food, this helped the joints in the shoulder to evolve in mechanisms that definitely do not naturally lurch backwards for any use except to pat ourselfs on the back for profound scientific historical knowledge achievements.
There is a massive percent of people in the Army who have taken ADD meds and have all kinds of problems that the military supposedly doesn't let you join for or makes you get wavers. It seems like there is a huge difference between the 'enlistment requirements' and who can actually get into the military. The military is a force comprised of ground soldiers, lower enlisted people from many times disciplinary, academically challenged, problematic backgrounds, and it is priceless in its ability to formulate a cohesive 'story' for the young man or woman which can frame his challenges and package them into a picture of rugged resilience.
The Army didn't meet its recruitment goal last year, I think it needs to do these things in addition to their own ideas. First of all I don't want to just throw money at the problem I think that should be a last resort.
-market to older people (late 20's early 30's) and give percs such as not being stuck around young kids all day, being treated more like adults, and interest negotiation and debt settlement arbitration as well as removal of criminal marks and bankruptcy's from credit.
- Don't have so many restrictive policy's about having ADD or traffic violations or criminal history, past drug use, etc. The military came out with a brave new policy of groundbreaking proportion when it announced 'leniency for those who have smoked cannabis multiple time in the past' this policy is like having a 20 page page service packet and removing 1 page from it when only 1% of the packet ever actually gets done. But there are plenty of people anxiously scouring the web to try and find out if they can join the military who find articles detailing the stringent requirements and advocating orthodox obedience when in reality anybody who is stable enough to not go on a shooting rampage can generally be of use to the military.
-Increased military for citizenship programs.
There is a massive percent of people in the Army who have taken ADD meds and have all kinds of problems that the military supposedly doesn't let you join for or makes you get wavers. It seems like there is a huge difference between the 'enlistment requirements' and who can actually get into the military. The military is a force comprised of ground soldiers, lower enlisted people from many times disciplinary, academically challenged, problematic backgrounds, and it is priceless in its ability to formulate a cohesive 'story' for the young man or woman which can frame his challenges and package them into a picture of rugged resilience.
The Army didn't meet its recruitment goal last year, I think it needs to do these things in addition to their own ideas. First of all I don't want to just throw money at the problem I think that should be a last resort.
-market to older people (late 20's early 30's) and give percs such as not being stuck around young kids all day, being treated more like adults, and interest negotiation and debt settlement arbitration as well as removal of criminal marks and bankruptcy's from credit.
- Don't have so many restrictive policy's about having ADD or traffic violations or criminal history, past drug use, etc. The military came out with a brave new policy of groundbreaking proportion when it announced 'leniency for those who have smoked cannabis multiple time in the past' this policy is like having a 20 page page service packet and removing 1 page from it when only 1% of the packet ever actually gets done. But there are plenty of people anxiously scouring the web to try and find out if they can join the military who find articles detailing the stringent requirements and advocating orthodox obedience when in reality anybody who is stable enough to not go on a shooting rampage can generally be of use to the military.
-Increased military for citizenship programs.
Marijuana in the Military
Marijuana in the military is a dream of tens of thousands of service members worldwide and would be a Godsend in general. It's time to get Weed legalized and for the military to stop testing for it.
Dogs in the Military
Basketball in the Military
There are massive gyms at the fitness centers where people play basketball all week long. I've tried playing but usually it's a lot of waiting around, trying to get on a team, and at the last minute getting ousted for somebody else. I was able to play once (I made all three shots I put up) but they stopped passing to me probably because I haven't played in years and am a little rusty.
The people who 'own' the basketball scene at Fort Drum are in the 'basketball church' and they have lots of time to spend hanging around the gym and getting into the social scene with similar basketball people. Rarely are there novices taking up courts, people who aren't that good don''t bother to try and play because their is a kind of mental block against making the attempt.
I don't need to be sacrificed to the basketball gods in order to play a game of basketball. I don't want to wait around forever and try to be 'part of the club'. there should be different courts for different skill level, and you are able to signup online for a game, like if im going to work out around 1, I can sign up for a game that starts at 2, and no matter what happens, I am in that game, and it is starting at 2 pm sharp, and the people playing are around my skill level. Basically their should be a meetup app for the military.
Bad Ass frames of mind
The people who 'own' the basketball scene at Fort Drum are in the 'basketball church' and they have lots of time to spend hanging around the gym and getting into the social scene with similar basketball people. Rarely are there novices taking up courts, people who aren't that good don''t bother to try and play because their is a kind of mental block against making the attempt.
I don't need to be sacrificed to the basketball gods in order to play a game of basketball. I don't want to wait around forever and try to be 'part of the club'. there should be different courts for different skill level, and you are able to signup online for a game, like if im going to work out around 1, I can sign up for a game that starts at 2, and no matter what happens, I am in that game, and it is starting at 2 pm sharp, and the people playing are around my skill level. Basically their should be a meetup app for the military.
Bad Ass frames of mind
In school lots of kids want to volunteer to answer and ask questions and engage with the teacher. It doesn't seem to me that the questions are purely out of curiosity, and the engagement from the kids doesn't seem purely because they think they know the answer. Lots of hypothetical blanket questions are used to introduce a concept ' can any one tell me why time management may be important?" It's really not just kids, in Army training and job training you will find the same thing, when under the 'command' of a power arbiter perceived as legitimate by a vast majority, it seems that it is customary to make forays into his/her line of sight in order to be recognized, because it offers some emotional confirmation.
Many social groups seem to exude this same force within themselves, and a separate negative force projected externally. It reminds me of a relationship where the affections are exclusively reserved for the counterpart in the duo, and the outside romantic world is mutually shunned.
To me this looks like 'wanting hugs' from your provider. The teacher is going to provide you with your necessities and has the power to punish of award you. We want hugs out of a kind of subconscious anxiety about starvation or isolation which would jeopardize our survival. Like on social media could be traded for hugs, we want to be part of a network that can act like a supply chain ensuring our survival.
The bad-ass mentality is counter intuitive to the 'hug currency'- the bad ass does not need hugs, he embraces the dangerous lifestyle that causes himself to be dominant over the group through his daring and coercion, and therefore he is the one that expects the others to hug him, and he does not need them. Wanting hugs is a kind of subservience and he realizes this, he is selling his power, his place belongs above the teacher, he is uncomfortable with the domineering relationship which threatens his position.
Some of the less fortunate among us grew up in a harsh, hugless environment, and we can display our own power by flipping the script and instead of outwardly wanting the warmth and togetherness of close friendship and earthly desires, we deprive ourselves of the hugs, and live in the cold, under a snowbank maybe. Their affection is not cheap! And they don't suffer hugers gladly. Their is an economic model to the hugging supply and demand of this exclusive person, the less hugs they give, the more valuable they are, often times this mindset belongs to those who have 'hugged and lost'.
Many social groups seem to exude this same force within themselves, and a separate negative force projected externally. It reminds me of a relationship where the affections are exclusively reserved for the counterpart in the duo, and the outside romantic world is mutually shunned.
To me this looks like 'wanting hugs' from your provider. The teacher is going to provide you with your necessities and has the power to punish of award you. We want hugs out of a kind of subconscious anxiety about starvation or isolation which would jeopardize our survival. Like on social media could be traded for hugs, we want to be part of a network that can act like a supply chain ensuring our survival.
The bad-ass mentality is counter intuitive to the 'hug currency'- the bad ass does not need hugs, he embraces the dangerous lifestyle that causes himself to be dominant over the group through his daring and coercion, and therefore he is the one that expects the others to hug him, and he does not need them. Wanting hugs is a kind of subservience and he realizes this, he is selling his power, his place belongs above the teacher, he is uncomfortable with the domineering relationship which threatens his position.
Some of the less fortunate among us grew up in a harsh, hugless environment, and we can display our own power by flipping the script and instead of outwardly wanting the warmth and togetherness of close friendship and earthly desires, we deprive ourselves of the hugs, and live in the cold, under a snowbank maybe. Their affection is not cheap! And they don't suffer hugers gladly. Their is an economic model to the hugging supply and demand of this exclusive person, the less hugs they give, the more valuable they are, often times this mindset belongs to those who have 'hugged and lost'.
Mores and challenging societal norms
It is generally recognized that governments for the most part like a healthy population growth and are encountering issues related to a falling one. I'm always thinking about this for some reason because it's known to have happened in ancient Rome and other 'developed countries' besides the United States, Japan in particular.
The studies are localized and the causes are hypothetical, which allows enough room for me to inject my own polemic into the matrix. Higher IQ people are generally discouraged from having babies at a younger age, and instead to wait until after college- after college they are fully equipped for a high faluten' profession, and although they do often have children, the chances are lower by this point. On the contrary, low IQ people do not meet these barriers in life, and in fact the 'bad ass' mentality of many of them create their own legitimacy which is helpful in allaying the guilt of not following in societies expectations. Many times a lazy low IQ family will not discipline a lazy low IQ child and they follow the hugs into a settled life of social nourishment and happiness which it shouldn't take a genius to discover is more fulfilling than breaking your back on academic for 8 years for negative money. They have 2, 3, sometimes bushels of children entering into the world who are outside of the jet-stream of the systems in society encouraged by school and actively engaged parents, and while they have intrinsic value, they are not the candidates for the brain trust which runs our nation, and they are not the inventors of the next doomsday device or AI which can subjugate humans for the interests of shiny metal robots.
Maybe it should be encouraged for post high-school girls to have a child before they go to college, to be taken care of by consenting parents.
-Tax breaks or credits for artificial insemination by high IQ donors. -increased participation of the elderly in raising of children, including programs through nursing homes. I've always thought that it's a shame the elders in our society don't have more of a stake in the community they all produced, they are shopped off to pricey nursing homes when they would rather be of assistance in family matters or could be made use of in other ways. |
- community service run daycare facilities on campus.
- Increased encouragement for the wealthy and super-wealthy to have children even outside of wedlock. This is going to encourage wealth redistribution, as wealth as fulfill a basic primitive desire to spread the genes which would be assumedly high IQ in nature.
- Increased encouragement for the wealthy and super-wealthy to have children even outside of wedlock. This is going to encourage wealth redistribution, as wealth as fulfill a basic primitive desire to spread the genes which would be assumedly high IQ in nature.
Special Note About Norms and Mores in Society Pertaining to Appropriate Age for Romantic Pairings
It's generally frowned upon for a girl to be with an older man in our society, and it seems counter intuitive for this bias to be the case. It just makes sense that many young women are looking for a mature financially stable guy who can be a role model to her and possible kids, and women like the idea of being mothers but often the men their age are not in a suitable condition for this responsibility. Often men are intimidated by all the preconceived notions, sexual experiences, and emotional baggage that comes along with older single women, and the extra weight of this sometimes makes it harder to form an enduring first connection.
This is about what is needed matching with what is supplied. Just like we have a surplus of elderly people with nothing to do, and we have a surplus of much needed free or vastly cheaper childcare, you have women looking for responsible men to get married and raise a family and men willing and able to do that-- why complicate that or let things get in the way of it? The outrage culture we live in seems steeped in wanting to feel the electric sensibilities of Victorian sexual prudence.
This is about what is needed matching with what is supplied. Just like we have a surplus of elderly people with nothing to do, and we have a surplus of much needed free or vastly cheaper childcare, you have women looking for responsible men to get married and raise a family and men willing and able to do that-- why complicate that or let things get in the way of it? The outrage culture we live in seems steeped in wanting to feel the electric sensibilities of Victorian sexual prudence.