This project has roots all the way back to 2005, in 2006 I started the first real version which consisted of a building painted on paper, and I kept on adding paper until the building sprawled outwards with two mammoth arches on each side, and one in the center, and people flying out of the windows as seen in the accompanying illustrations.
The original picture was not up to my satisfaction so I enlarged in and split it into several 5 foot sections, one of which was completed, as seen below.
This new verison of the picture was on paper which was super-glued to a board, and issued began to arise with the consistency of the paper, at this point I knew I had to find a better way. 8 years later, I finally discovered a way for it to work.
Each page has an adhesive backing securing it to the page, and on the back it is magnetic, on the board, of which I have used several, there is a magnetic primer so i can move the picture without worrying about damaging it, and if one sheet is damaged it can be easily replaced. This is suitable for me, as I have moved several times in the time I've worked on it.
I've also done 2 different digital models for the picture, I used Autodesk Maya each time, but the first version, shown above, was improperly rendered on an ill suited laptop, and it was about 5 years later that I started my current digital version of the project.
I sold several framed prints of the above image, and moved onto the next phase of the project, the section was enlarged to comprise 1/3 of the picture.