Race relations are something that I definitely know about having lived in a number of predominately black neighborhoods and being the enthusiastic socialite that I am. Lucky for America it has myself, with my unique aforementioned strengths, to single handedly solve the problem of race relations here in this country.
It may take me a few minutes to piece together this historic essay, I am going to start by jabbering about this and that, and continue into a detailed and organized composition of words strung together which represent whatever happens to come to mind.
I think that most people have fallen victim to the furies of spontaneous racism. Spontaneous things happen that casue a reaction that doesnt regard underlying causes for things that have led to the momentarily infuriating circumstance. Spontaneous racism is clouded by circumstance, and doesn't have to turn into a long term view.
Apparently, I have been learning, a very liability adverse, PC set of ‘gotcha standards’ emanate from the ivory corporations and other venues. There are always two sides to a story, and sometimes the other side is really not allowed to see the light of day without earth shattering consequences. If I look to you like a brother, I’m going to kick your ass when you make my family look bad, or do a disservice to yourself or your country. The law of soft bigotry of low expectations states that if my brother is declared mentally fit, and I still let him trash his room and the family, then I think he’s really not capable, I just send him heart shaped candy boxes and smiley face stickers, as I move out of the neighborhood as quickly as God will allow.
This is partly because the very liability adverse standards deems it inappropriate for criticism of one side, yet very supportive or at least accepting of criticism by the other side. Its a two way street, and that doesn't mean that one is racist because he or she is concerned with strengthening ‘off limits’ sections of one's community. Racism is meant to hurt, it is meant to communicate low expectations and hatred. A spontaneous racism exists (I believe) in most people, whether black, white, hispanic, or asian. I think about my younger black co-workers, I think they look up to me, what kind of way will they feel if they find out that I am racist, what kind of feeling will that promote? . Imagine you find out your role model hates your entire kind, that unacceptable and is going to have an almost nuclear ripple effect.
There is always a ripple effect when ill intentioned insults are traded between races. If a black has a history of being exposed to racism by whites, when I engage that person for whatever reason, they are going to be less receptive, and there is going to be a tension that will even ripple outward from there. Some of the most devastating nails in the coffins are physical insults, making fun of the ugliest parts of a person; things that cannot be changed about a person are especially hurtful, and without the strength of mind to realize all the devastating ripples which have mangled the possibility of an innocent and objective personal exchange, you are going to blame the negativity on the race, there is going to be spontaneous racism and even one gesture of rage communicated to another person has the potential to create a rippling domino effect that can flatten entire villages with the stroke of a hand. .
I think one of the first things I would do to help race relations is let black police officers police black neighborhoods. That is a form of segregation I know it, but I don’t paint words in the color of satan for the sake of easily compartmentalized factionilizing of my vocabulary. Blacks feel oppressed when white cops handle them, and you are going to get a lot of negative ripples outward into the ether that will effect 8 year olds who will then be destined to meet me with hostility within their hearts and minds, and communicate thoughts of negative reinforcements to me, punishing me for my guilt. Black cops will have an easier time dealing with black youth and more of an understanding of the complexities that exist in these sensitive places. The black cops will also have a better time dealing with the families of at risk youths, and will have an easier time being seen as role models, and they wont experience the somtimes crushing devastation of spontaneous racism. A white arresting a black can create a spontaneous racism which upon impact creates a nuclear atmosphere which can reach critical mass and result in the explosion of a nuclear weapon, and the radiation will poison the nation, and make for very boring, shallow news broadcasts.
Musing might help us find our way out of the thickets of racial frictions, take a walk with me into the briar patch and stroll amongst the thickets, careful not to get caught on a snaggletooth bramble. Freedom from slavery is something that black communities speak of often and talk about amongst each other, developing a pride and ‘independence’, which strangely enough seems to translate in a lot of cases into dependence, because sometimes that equates to independance from work. The world is apparently turned against them, they don’t have the opportunities that whites have for advancement, and the CIA sells them crack, so they say, even though the rap music seems to be rather transparently involved in the crack trade. In America, we have guaranteed student loans and grants that will allow you to attend college without a dollar in hand assuming you graduate from high school. SO the argument that there is not assistance is a false narrative. I think that blacks being submerged in the historical facts of slavery at such a young age really serves to drive the point into the deepest part of their young minds, and I think they relate things like work and study with slavery and oppression, and shirk their responsibilities. Also, being within 1 generation of real prevalent racism and limitations of rights, and maybe 5 generations from actual slavery, there are cultural holdovers that are inherited through familial culture, that continue to the present. SLaves were not able to learn how to read, and did not develop an academic tradition. SO the academic realities in the black community have to be adapted to their circumstances, I think the routes of academic culture have to be sowed by the schools and cities. Black inner city high schoolers graduate from school often times without having read a single book in their lifetimes. In my opinion reading books is a major contributing factor to strengthening intellectual and grammatical faculties and it is a disservice to have our guilty schools perpetrate this mockery of education on our societies.
I think record labels have some blame for the promotion of music that encourages drug use, crime, and sexual deviancy. You know the kids are hearing this music, I wouldn't even want my girlfriend to hear the music. It’s very aggressive, the culture is very sexualized, to the point of it becoming very volatile, and volatile things will collapse, but it is emanating from a collapsed enclave of society that can’t collapse any more. Distinct languages are used, as the societal deviants corrupt the English language and use a form of ebonics that seems to telegraph uncaring disrespect, and also has the secondary effect of making the user look dumb when they try to speak real english, in say, a job interview. Think about it they rap about many things like killing, raping, racism, the most disgusting things, and they legitimate these things.
The ripple effect from the music is synergistic with the crime rate, and the graduation rate, and the racism rate, and the home prices, and the feeling of injustice, and the lack of interracial mixing that would promote a real integration of races helpful to society.
Tax breaks for interracial marriages could improve the rate of mixing in the black communities. With modern technology you wouldn't even have to get married, you could easily have the child of say, a celebrity, or a genius, by using genetic insemination techniques, and not only would you not have to pay for it, you could get paid by the government in the form of tax breaks for it. SO a girl could have Tom Cruise's baby, something like that. I don't want to promote the further isolation and factionalisation of society, I think we have enough of that in other areas like politics. I also have seen studies stating that there are very much more low iq people being born than high iq people. Its very true look it up. Ever since the time of Augustus advanced societies have experienced declining birth rates, for whatever reason. We have to make sure motivated, industrious, and overall good people are reproducing, filling our worlds and our surroundings with the future generation which will take care of us when we are old, and whom we will engage in discourse with throughout our relatively brief lifetimes.
So you're welcome for my great contribution to society, which of course is a gift from myself, intended to help the world, however, I am aware of what happens when your gifts are not deemed to be good enough by the recipient. P I’m not worried about the eggshells on which I stumble as I inadvertently wander into the overly zealous crosshairs of the dumb and deadly defenders of a broken system.