Scathing Rebuke of Islam, Christianity, Judaism
by Jackson Lamme
Scathing Rebuke of Islam, Christianity, Islam.
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since I finished this first version of my painting, “The Adoration of the Magi” (oil on vinyl canvas, 8ft x 3,5ft). It was 2007 and my photogcMuseum Photographic in Rochester NY got me a 17k pixel wide image (for full size prints) at 178 DPI (dots per inch) with a Super 6k camera. Many of you have a print to this day! Framed, matted, museum quality glass and archival paper, for $50 bucks!
I recently discovered these files somehow, for years all I had was a disc carrying case and it vanished like a lot of other things that floated from apartment to apartment in the back of my ‘95 Civic’s trunk. My mom somehow had a backup which is good because I was in this stage where I wanted things to look old so I cranked up the yellows and brought the saturation down, much to the dismay of the photographer. I used that image for my prints and uploaded it to my website and Deviant Art.
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since I finished this first version of my painting, “The Adoration of the Magi” (oil on vinyl canvas, 8ft x 3,5ft). It was 2007 and my photogcMuseum Photographic in Rochester NY got me a 17k pixel wide image (for full size prints) at 178 DPI (dots per inch) with a Super 6k camera. Many of you have a print to this day! Framed, matted, museum quality glass and archival paper, for $50 bucks!
I recently discovered these files somehow, for years all I had was a disc carrying case and it vanished like a lot of other things that floated from apartment to apartment in the back of my ‘95 Civic’s trunk. My mom somehow had a backup which is good because I was in this stage where I wanted things to look old so I cranked up the yellows and brought the saturation down, much to the dismay of the photographer. I used that image for my prints and uploaded it to my website and Deviant Art.
I lived and spent a lot of time alone back then and I liked to read about Roman political figures and people like Napoleon. His “Commentaries” read on youtube is exactly the type of thing I liked-- he was structured, patient, fearless, and well organized: “Elegant”.
I have a portrait of Sulla, who is said to have remarked “In this one Caesar I see many a Marius” Marius was the ‘for the common people’ politician and General who was leading man in Rome and Sulla’s enemy although they both fought Mithridates together. The Julio Clauidian Dynasty and the late Roman republic are fascinating to learn about. |
The practicality of the Romans was lost to the superstitions, punitive, shortsighted, “psychological”, and micromanagement of the Holy Roman Empire, who took the whole “Gods are watching, man!” mythology and turned it into a very sharp instrument to enforce rigid conformity. As many don’t appreciate lewd humor stop reading now and jump to the last paragraph. My morale compass is still pointing north and I’ll tel you my justification.
I voted for Trump in the last election and I very much like and admire Donald Trump. I also admire Joe Biden and watched him speak at a medical conference after sneaking past secret service in Chicago in 2017 which was cute. But people talk lots and lots of shit about Trump and Biden, and I don’t care at all. So you shouldn't either because I’m about to critize Christiantiy, Judaism, and Islam very harshly.
Like most things the beauty, grace and heritage of Christiantity can be stripped bare to witness the cold, pale, muffled and gagged bodies slumped within, victims of the ritual dogma, those who stood in the wrong path at the wrong time. The wrong time is an understatement--Reverend Jerry’s wife just admitted she only believes 27 of the 28 Fundamental beliefs of the 7th Day Advantist.… No PLEASE?! Why can’t she just shut up and SAY she believes!? Whats the DIFFERENCE?! “Out of my way BILLY No! I can’t sneak you any Jesus blood and the tithe is already empty.. Be gone!”
We have to take a contemplative, humorless, quiet, still reflection, Jesus Christ Hallow be thy name, and understand that change starts with you! Well actually it starts with the Alpha males and females in your group.. or the beta male who has money… jointly agreeing on a risky course of action which they will do only if there is a tangible reward in some way for them (spiritual is way down on the list) and even when they do there's a thousand other churches out there that are going in all different directions and there's no way to control everyone into the same belief so we can finally bring religion back into the schools!!
I’m a wizard at critical introspection, you should hear some of the names I call myself…lol But we have to look in the mirror before we leave the house, just like we have to scour our boat for holes. I bet I would always remember my pen if I memorized the entire “cure ADHD” book word for word and self flagelated everytime I forgot it!
I think a “witch hunt” mentality has actually become embedded in the minds of religious dogmatists like a virus. People seem to outsource their freedom of thought to a collective and it closes off and sticks red tape everywhere.. And conditions very precise and 2 dimensional reactions, causing the biting grimace to rear its head as you exchange scornful brow furrows with your fellow brothers in Christ, and bathe those wandering wayward adolescent pedestrian sinners who “have dyed hair and alcohol” in the fiery brimstone reminiscent of the hawk eyed priest who snatched your hand when you touched his tabernacle, then committed attempted homicide. You're on the other side of the mojo now, wielding that confident gaze that says “I want to burn you alive” which you naturally do and the whole town comes to watch like a bunch of psychopaths. Then you go home and read a bunch of boring and ridiculous nonsense that they pretend to believe to avoid flames of the merciful God who needs you dead and in hell to create heaven on earth but the antichrist is coming anyways but he’s just clearing out the chaff almost like a volunteer at the salvation Army. But ya its eternity of flames but but lets argue about whether the body of christ actually turns into a sandal or not on the 15th day of passover and end our 15 year friendship GOODBYE.
And by the way any great leader that you have that comes to deliver Gods children from their worldly suffering and unite the world… ya he’s actually the devil himself.
This being said I often find correlaries to my own life and biblical event’s in that I often find myself at the mercy of gnawing beasts feasting on my organs and dragging me into their lare when if I made better decisions and didnt fail out of college I would be an economist of something fancy right now, so fancier dressed beasts devouring my soul which comes equipped with a very direct and biting attitude and emotionally blind analyses of events which causes some in the studio audience to proclaim malfeasance.. But humor and truth are easy to be intentionally misinterpreted and used as a weapon against the bad men who prowl the streets at night with alcohol and died hair.
Organized religion costs more to society than it gives, it should be changed without the dogma and into more of a social club which is a dire necessity for societal cohesion and which we are missing out on while presented with the option to attend a bar and drink. It’s almost like our society is organized in a way to prevent public routine social gatherings which would host settings such as those to converse about such topics as spirituality and the divine. Like a social clearing house. Bismarck and Metternich put down the iron fist in prussian society before the 1848 revolution, and in many societies meeting in public was expressly forbidden. But its a luxury that we have so why not use it? Economists like to create economic models which portray “perfect competition” in which the barrier for entry into the market for any firm is zero, and they have perfect knowledge of what the equilibrium price is. Information sharing is vital to small sociopolitical populations in that it absolves sinners through discourse, and reveals sinners through discourse. It gives people a common ground and a level playing field, because some haven't really been raised at all, and some are raised by social science practitioners with all the latest theory and swaddling. I was in the field with my Army company last week and I was struck by how pleasant it is to get into bed with other cots around the room, everybody chilling and talking or on there phones.. Economists think about this kind of thing and I do too.. For younger single people you could theoretically use social engineering to place them in a (italics) very strategic way to maximize their comfort, confidence, team cohesion and therefore economic performance. Maybe a college might be willing to try this.. It stems from my idea of free social media ads that take into consideration thousands of pieces of physical characteristics, metabolism, political leanings, response time, blood pressure, personality types of family members, goals, sexual characteristics, excercise, etc to place people in the most fertile atmosphere for “glowing up”.
Christianity is hogging up all the good and spiritual people and instead of freely musing about the nature of the universe, pigeon holing them into an atomized, fractious, judgmental, and mentally burdensome set of ridiculous boring stories (which have grown on me admittedly) which aren’t even fun to read like the flying Olympian Gods who stand for strength, discipline, forbearance, women's rights, and well proportioned balance between the reality of things, entertainment interwoven with subtle life lessons and the ‘ethereal’ reality (and I do believe in “God”). But the pagans are heathens because I’ve met a very large man named Zues and he said they call him Yahweh, Jupiter, Allah, Chuck Norris.. Etc. And he swore he’s the only one and that he’s gunna be my guy in the clouds, his equipment always has full bars 5g and he’s even gunna make Sally come home safe AND get her a husband while she’s rock climbing this Tuesday if I say the Holy matrimony 4 times over after Cooking pasta on a light simmer IN Sandals WITH the Special Beads that He likes.
How do I know if theres one or more man what do I look like a group of hysterical 8 year old girls speaking in tongues while convulsing on the floor while directing the executioner to the next victim? I’ll tell you why, it’s because conformity is more real than reality itself, and my God is a vengeful God, just like my husband. And I’m a practiced actor, swaying with the ship, getting ahead of the hurtful forces which slam around on deck and staying safe in a 2 dimensional game world and im just happy that God lets me carry on living without bringing in another plague where we have to eat our children and mercy kill our parents when the Babylonians kick the proverbial dog for dereliction of following the path by worshiping other Gods..I dont know whats worse him or my husband, but at least God doesn't leave a wedding ring imprint on my forehead when he wants me to obey!
I’ve heard ingenious sermons full of wisdom, light, and fatherly appeal, but they're always couched in the dogma’s of a belief system which is useful to people so far as it’s the common currency of their cultures. It’s true emphasizing the values of austerity, honesty, empathy, chastity, loyalty, humility and hard work tend to create very successful communities. But also I’m not into standing, holding hands, and singing a bunch of outdated songs from like a thousand years ago in front of a man being nailed to a board by the government for thinking he could actually make it in life. Strategically a smart life goal: broadening the accessibility of Judaism outside of it’s divinely required self centeredness, ruthlessness, and exclusiveness-- and this would have gained Jerusalem power.. But Juruselem was not wild Arabia, there was jealous Rome, and that Jesus dude flipped over Pharisee Morgenthough’s table how RUDE.
The jewish doctrine is extremely hostile to outsiders, maybe the most racist ideology but one that actually limits it’s own ability to gain a population. Extremely harsh and hardened war veterans with uncompromising discipline will always finish their homework, place frugality and miserliness above other priorities, as God stipulated when he told them to charge interest to other races, and probably not select for looks above everything when seeking a mate. And that veteran will not move out from under that minivan he dove under at the gas station while attempting to seek cover from the passing station wagon. He will not do what they say NO MATTER WHAT. The Babylonians and Persians will have to do this the hard way. We are on the winning side, not only do we have reason to celebrate, we have a ethno/religious group of high IQ liberals so confident that when they look at you and observe, you might as well be at the mercy of two 45’s which can light you up at any time, using the latest techniques_ I’m socialized to a well oiled tranquility with the best gunslingers in NYC. Even the Rabbis have the sword and shield wall on the streets with connections and strings to pull… people to see. Just outwardly laughing almost hysterically at the thought that a man would choose to sell drugs or carry a gun illegally in NYC…”I dont understand lol, your saying they get a free education, all they have to do is graduate from highschool with a 4th grade reading level and they are automatically accepted to college with no money in hand?” “My great grandfather sold the farm for me to go to school, and then had to walk on broken glass everyday because he couldn't agree with the butcher on a price for his second hand shoes.. Ouch.. But he can seek solace in the fact that he’s about to purchase a $2.4 million home with a magnificent view of the docks and Manhattan skyline.
18 may be a very tender age for many to acclimate themselves away from everything they know about all leisure all the time, or 8 blunts a day until the point of psychitzophrenic ideations and eerily wandering the neighborhood throwing your hands around like your rapping but just saying “YOooooo”. Have to get them fired up by 25 into the “just barely passing college” academic lifestyle which requires at least the passing thought about one of the classes while you're home from school, but will require you to hide your inevitable straying from the eyes of your ironically smirking baby momma as she realizes she could have used a little help resisting your bad boy charm and deft use of the local street dialect, as well as her appreciation of the dedication you put into selling crack cocaine on the corner of 4th and Hudson. She thought you were really brave when that car shot up your trap house and you and your friends played a part in the planning and logistics of 1st degree murder but crazy YEDI was the triggerman, as evidenced by his facebook live video.
Rabbi Fasttalkinberg has weapons too, but they are much more deadly psychological torture weapons he yields willingly as you see him observing you from his gaggle of young orthadox Jews, and you know what he’s thinking… He sees through the stiff and starched, monastic regality of the clergy, a contemplative fasade doesn’t readily reveal any shimmering swords or ninjas stars he might be concealing. He might also be taking a little nap, seeking cognitive ease after powering through another slugfest in the bible study department of the church but it’s hot and he’s grumpy, he doesn’t know why, but he’s sad. He’s getting older and they never let him marry, he’s fully invested in the church but the flock dont seem to have that light in there eyes anymore, and he doesnt get those twinkling smiles from the young women of the congregation like he used to. Time for a nap then to sit in the chair in the living room and probably cry.
“Hey pal!”
“Keep it simple! You can do anything in this life gently…. ”
“What’s that!?” Walks up directly in front of the speaker and leans in to hear better.
“Just be gentle with yourself, you don't want any injuries from your tree climbing or acrobatics..” “..your doing too much..”
“Sorry!” “I didn't hear you a second time, do you mind putting a little bit of quality into the entertainment value of your writing so you can do all this work and get zero feedback like I do?
“Keep it simple, stupid! You can do anything in this world gently…. ”
LETS not pretend that the divinely guided Islamic Imams lasted more than 4 or 5 people in office before they made it a hereditary monarchy embracing the lavish lifestyles and stark class distinctions which guided the humble and empathetic Mohmmed, but exceptions had to be made because if the other countries see me slinking around in a dingy sweater vest like a (italics) Prime Minister, there libel to all invade at once and split apart my kingdom killing over 100K of my men, but even worse.. I’m not gunna have any more friends I’ll have to hang out with the (italics) “prime minister”…. He immediately extracts vast riches and wealth and creates the Taj mahol for his favorite wife and invites the Emir,Khanate and Caliphate to his blanket fort and realized they had the same idea! OHHHHH I dont wanna pray right now! I’m having so much fun with Abdullah the King of Kings and Slayer of Women!
I’m pretty sure God is not going to favor you just because you waste 1.5 hours a day cooing in passive, bored submission. It’s like turning on the TV to watch a hundred million people tell him $$$$ that he already knows, it’s all scripted and takes no mental effort, it’s like you buying a gift by just snatching a ticket out of the highway kioske and turning over and giving it to me. It means nothing to me, I dont need the highway, just follow the highway man I hope it leads you to where you need to go.. You dont need to be obsessive. I used to obsess over every little detail on my paintings, so much so that I was timid to take risks. All the bodies came out stiff and concervative.
You know they kindof reminded me of religious paintings in the middle ages. How did the greeks get such a fluid and realistic sculpted image of man? I think their studies would have been in anatomy and sculpting, and many they didnt feel like God was just going to give them a divine painting. They definitely were not scientific works, the artists were broken, too psychological and stiff, no free brushstrokes or natural emotion. The babies looked like a very stiff session of modeling without any familiarity with the forms, and a horrible geospatial perception, not willing to put in the effort to practice and see the world for what it really is and what it requires, but just dabbing a tiny liner brush at the very corner of the eyeball where the red meets the white. Meanwhile the whole figure looks like a brick with some graffiti on it on a bookcover in the exact same style as the last 400 paintings commissioned by lord clench-n-pray.
When you read a lot it seems to mute the participatory aspect of cognitive effort and relies on mechanical progress, like when you remember a book that you read and have to retranslate your knowledge into actually being able to talk freely about it. We are quantum computers, we need to open up our third eye and sense the baseball’s placement in facetime before smacking it out of the park, rather than graph the ball in space. This is one reason why hounding someone or being critical sometimes is the wrong thing to do unless your actively sabotaging someones game, being cool is the most pivotal aspect of performance which requires a degree of sophistication. Depression and social rejection were rife in those ecliasiastical artistic circles, they probably didnt get any respect from the church folk like Michalangelo got from Lorenzo Di Medici in Florence.
There is always more to learn and to show respect is a pivotal component of communication and academic texts such as this need to be in MLA times new roman at -.5 spacing. If I can understand what your writing your doing it wrong. Take your personality and shove it where the sun don't shine.
But thank you for keeping your feet clean. Honestly I do pray sometimes and I do think I see a magical presence and extreme flattering coincidences almost like by an entity that has more control over reality than we could even begin to imagine beyond “He’s the creator of the universe and He’s everything and everyone at the same time and has maximum potential in every possible way.”
I’m interested in anthropomorphism and using subatomic particles to signal and even animate objects faster than light which has been proven to be possible because subatomic particles somehow communicate with each other either a 1 or a zero, spin up, or spin down. Just imagine what 10 million years of evolution would do from where we are now?
I also don’t believe that the electrons that spin around the atom are different than the energy that we feel as consciousness, I think consciousness is a sensation of electrical energy of some kind. Think about it atoms want stuff, they want to oxidize, or they want to reduce, they want to have all their valence electrons, they want more life.. Unstable atoms want to find stability, the plutonium shoots out particles like a balloon shoots out air, molecules act in self preservation with multiple parts and form moving, chain reactions which our body uses to send nerve signals (calcium channels etc).
And since Einstein proved that the energy of an object is the weight of that object times the speed of light^2, everything in the universe is solid, pure energy, and in my opinion, is living. Imagine the feeling of just (italics) believing your not going to age or die? There must be a background noise caused by the ever present impending death that is muted by our subconscious- I wonder how that would feel to let go of. Background noise in the human condition needs to be organized and discarded, by building consensus.
Diminishing wasted time is a huge part of this. It takes effort to organize things; writing names, making phone calls, not being a wacky group that believes some crazy shit is going to happen that the FBI needs to get involved with before you finally move to Mexico and bribe the Sinoloa cartel to extort money from your child bride lobbying PAC and coerce you into paying a dollar per hundred for smuggled marked dirty Thai money stolen at gunpoint by the stepson of the principle sex trafficker who was subsequently abducted by a Thai special intel unit and used as an alibi to let the money “walk” overseas in an effort to boost Thai tourism. It was dumped out of a Bancock black site and bundled into a semisubmersible with a Thai Coast Guard Cadet duck taped to a walkie talkie in the stowaway and the Andoman islands coming into site. The Chinese Coast guard spotted the craft with the New Weebo infrared cell phone camera and garnishes identifying information, which is then used as leverage to enlist the stepson in a “Special project” to find soft spots in the Russian military command gathering in Venzuela for the upcoming war games.. The Russians are kind with the CHinese but Bejing guages its safest bet is to have the maximum potential leverage. The stepson find on the dark web that there is a central hub of activity on a cluster of front sites which claim to sell specialty toys within the Russian forces which may actually be a honeypot of it’s own. $83,576 dollars in bribes later the stepson has his tentacles into the market where he used the overflowing briefcase of Marked Thai currency as a conversation starter with the Russians, who are notorious for their spies and double dealing. Finally one was on the line, there was a transaction on a front website foolishly selling large porcelaine dolls for over $45,000 which entered the blockchain and the “building facilitator went out for a drive with a drone flying high above his head to spot a tail. The religious zealot was done lobbying, he had surreptitiously installed cameras on the vehicle and now knew where the stash house was, a nice house in the Tijuana suburbs operating as a day care. The stepson was already on it with cameras installed in the lobbysists front porch, he made a call to a sleeper cell as it was revealed he was in fact a QUADRUPLE AGENT, he had been working for the Americans, home of the brave and big checkbooks! (But his loyalty actually belonged to the Canadaians, to which he attempted to defect after his debriefing and was laughed at heartily by the Canadian Intel as they stroked their beards and leaned back into the action, maximizing the humiliation as he realized Cananda is not Belarus, and his whole knowdlgr of canada was based on a pictured taped to his textbook as a joke in highschool.. He shook his fist and they ran is report and placed him at the scene of the crime in Tijuana, the CIA disavowed him, the CHinese never heard of him, the Thai special intel unit never actually existed it was a dark web reality show sponsored in part by Sean Hannity and a cadre of elites who are regulars at bilderberg, which is where more than one Mexican crop is consumed every year.. Annnd his stepdad had him wacked in prison 2 months later.
Theres apparently this pesky devil guy who keeps mucking up all the tadpole pools that He planted so he could watch the same old shit play out that did back in 700AD, or better yet, 4000BC. “Just be careful about the pictures and using the name without adding my exalted title with it as if to remind me that you are more like a pet dog groveling for a tasty afterlife than a being in the world subject to the human condition just like all the rest of them. Prostrate yourself before me while swearing your a good boy, even though that time could be spent teaching, giving money away, sharing information to disadvantaged and parentless youths who have no one to turn to. It’s all about you and me in the end. Populate those community service tents with sultry eligible bacheorettes and I “suddenly care more about the terminally ill child who everybody forgot about and they don't get to see their favorite basketball player because he’s ona spaceship this weekend taking a $30 million flight to 0 gravity and little Joey has only been given 6 days to live. But it’s back to that prayer rug again, you could have lied and said you were someone special... "Leave me and go to others"- all that memorizing may be good for you but Islam is quite the investment at this point. “For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls on the ground.” - This is actually pretty addictive!
The Pagan desert tribes in the 7th century Arabian desert did need to ‘get with the times’, and if you think about it Mohammed may have supposed that his Monotheism quasi judaic religion would enlist the support of the plentiful jewish population in Arabia, the Levant, and Anatolia which was seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. It would have been a great idea for the Gallic tribes of the BC era to adopt the Roman Pantheon and live like the Romans, giving themselves a diplomatic edge. By that time paganism wasn’t as cool because the major states had monotheism. The tribes of Arabia lived lives of blood fueds and disharmony, jockeying for the scarce resources of the desert.
I honestly am scared for some of the politicians out there these days, I think they are starting to resort to ‘all out’ tactics which may turn our political class into a collection of criminals. Were the first 44 Presidents the “Rightly Guided?”. I guess it just comes down to who is trying to help the disadvantaged and evolve our notions about humanity and respect.. We can’t pretend that the civilized society they want to bring us would include those same ads and research, and hacking, spying, targeting, raiding. But I’m used to the Ancient Roman way, so I can’t say I’m much discouraged!
Looking at my paintings you may not feel the stillness and tactful simplicity of the classical ethos. I feel like im not entitled to put a simple idea on so much space,I feel that if you sell an apple for $1, in order for me to get $1 I need to give the whole tree. But if you look closely you may see lots of simpler scenes in one painting. I’m a ‘big idea’ haver, a generalist. I understand the city but not the cars in it, I can make a video game but I never play them. I always want to hang out, I just want to hang out and work on the future of dope art and NFT marketing, and I wanna sell it but I’m stuck typing this overblown painting informational. The main idea is the capital which funds the municipal budget, the concept never has to be celebrated for the workers to show up and the bobcats to engage. The trees are planted, the cement is pouring, the grass is green, and the wind is blowing. The trenches are dug and the walls are stil standing. The wild eyed defenders are being recruited and housed in downtown lofts in the arts district (6 to a room). The paint is in the bucket and the brush is on the edge, and unless I witness the Holy Spirit animate after being captivated by a white flag waving, groveling junkyard dog’s sales pitch, the fence is not going to paint itself!
I voted for Trump in the last election and I very much like and admire Donald Trump. I also admire Joe Biden and watched him speak at a medical conference after sneaking past secret service in Chicago in 2017 which was cute. But people talk lots and lots of shit about Trump and Biden, and I don’t care at all. So you shouldn't either because I’m about to critize Christiantiy, Judaism, and Islam very harshly.
Like most things the beauty, grace and heritage of Christiantity can be stripped bare to witness the cold, pale, muffled and gagged bodies slumped within, victims of the ritual dogma, those who stood in the wrong path at the wrong time. The wrong time is an understatement--Reverend Jerry’s wife just admitted she only believes 27 of the 28 Fundamental beliefs of the 7th Day Advantist.… No PLEASE?! Why can’t she just shut up and SAY she believes!? Whats the DIFFERENCE?! “Out of my way BILLY No! I can’t sneak you any Jesus blood and the tithe is already empty.. Be gone!”
We have to take a contemplative, humorless, quiet, still reflection, Jesus Christ Hallow be thy name, and understand that change starts with you! Well actually it starts with the Alpha males and females in your group.. or the beta male who has money… jointly agreeing on a risky course of action which they will do only if there is a tangible reward in some way for them (spiritual is way down on the list) and even when they do there's a thousand other churches out there that are going in all different directions and there's no way to control everyone into the same belief so we can finally bring religion back into the schools!!
I’m a wizard at critical introspection, you should hear some of the names I call myself…lol But we have to look in the mirror before we leave the house, just like we have to scour our boat for holes. I bet I would always remember my pen if I memorized the entire “cure ADHD” book word for word and self flagelated everytime I forgot it!
I think a “witch hunt” mentality has actually become embedded in the minds of religious dogmatists like a virus. People seem to outsource their freedom of thought to a collective and it closes off and sticks red tape everywhere.. And conditions very precise and 2 dimensional reactions, causing the biting grimace to rear its head as you exchange scornful brow furrows with your fellow brothers in Christ, and bathe those wandering wayward adolescent pedestrian sinners who “have dyed hair and alcohol” in the fiery brimstone reminiscent of the hawk eyed priest who snatched your hand when you touched his tabernacle, then committed attempted homicide. You're on the other side of the mojo now, wielding that confident gaze that says “I want to burn you alive” which you naturally do and the whole town comes to watch like a bunch of psychopaths. Then you go home and read a bunch of boring and ridiculous nonsense that they pretend to believe to avoid flames of the merciful God who needs you dead and in hell to create heaven on earth but the antichrist is coming anyways but he’s just clearing out the chaff almost like a volunteer at the salvation Army. But ya its eternity of flames but but lets argue about whether the body of christ actually turns into a sandal or not on the 15th day of passover and end our 15 year friendship GOODBYE.
And by the way any great leader that you have that comes to deliver Gods children from their worldly suffering and unite the world… ya he’s actually the devil himself.
This being said I often find correlaries to my own life and biblical event’s in that I often find myself at the mercy of gnawing beasts feasting on my organs and dragging me into their lare when if I made better decisions and didnt fail out of college I would be an economist of something fancy right now, so fancier dressed beasts devouring my soul which comes equipped with a very direct and biting attitude and emotionally blind analyses of events which causes some in the studio audience to proclaim malfeasance.. But humor and truth are easy to be intentionally misinterpreted and used as a weapon against the bad men who prowl the streets at night with alcohol and died hair.
Organized religion costs more to society than it gives, it should be changed without the dogma and into more of a social club which is a dire necessity for societal cohesion and which we are missing out on while presented with the option to attend a bar and drink. It’s almost like our society is organized in a way to prevent public routine social gatherings which would host settings such as those to converse about such topics as spirituality and the divine. Like a social clearing house. Bismarck and Metternich put down the iron fist in prussian society before the 1848 revolution, and in many societies meeting in public was expressly forbidden. But its a luxury that we have so why not use it? Economists like to create economic models which portray “perfect competition” in which the barrier for entry into the market for any firm is zero, and they have perfect knowledge of what the equilibrium price is. Information sharing is vital to small sociopolitical populations in that it absolves sinners through discourse, and reveals sinners through discourse. It gives people a common ground and a level playing field, because some haven't really been raised at all, and some are raised by social science practitioners with all the latest theory and swaddling. I was in the field with my Army company last week and I was struck by how pleasant it is to get into bed with other cots around the room, everybody chilling and talking or on there phones.. Economists think about this kind of thing and I do too.. For younger single people you could theoretically use social engineering to place them in a (italics) very strategic way to maximize their comfort, confidence, team cohesion and therefore economic performance. Maybe a college might be willing to try this.. It stems from my idea of free social media ads that take into consideration thousands of pieces of physical characteristics, metabolism, political leanings, response time, blood pressure, personality types of family members, goals, sexual characteristics, excercise, etc to place people in the most fertile atmosphere for “glowing up”.
Christianity is hogging up all the good and spiritual people and instead of freely musing about the nature of the universe, pigeon holing them into an atomized, fractious, judgmental, and mentally burdensome set of ridiculous boring stories (which have grown on me admittedly) which aren’t even fun to read like the flying Olympian Gods who stand for strength, discipline, forbearance, women's rights, and well proportioned balance between the reality of things, entertainment interwoven with subtle life lessons and the ‘ethereal’ reality (and I do believe in “God”). But the pagans are heathens because I’ve met a very large man named Zues and he said they call him Yahweh, Jupiter, Allah, Chuck Norris.. Etc. And he swore he’s the only one and that he’s gunna be my guy in the clouds, his equipment always has full bars 5g and he’s even gunna make Sally come home safe AND get her a husband while she’s rock climbing this Tuesday if I say the Holy matrimony 4 times over after Cooking pasta on a light simmer IN Sandals WITH the Special Beads that He likes.
How do I know if theres one or more man what do I look like a group of hysterical 8 year old girls speaking in tongues while convulsing on the floor while directing the executioner to the next victim? I’ll tell you why, it’s because conformity is more real than reality itself, and my God is a vengeful God, just like my husband. And I’m a practiced actor, swaying with the ship, getting ahead of the hurtful forces which slam around on deck and staying safe in a 2 dimensional game world and im just happy that God lets me carry on living without bringing in another plague where we have to eat our children and mercy kill our parents when the Babylonians kick the proverbial dog for dereliction of following the path by worshiping other Gods..I dont know whats worse him or my husband, but at least God doesn't leave a wedding ring imprint on my forehead when he wants me to obey!
I’ve heard ingenious sermons full of wisdom, light, and fatherly appeal, but they're always couched in the dogma’s of a belief system which is useful to people so far as it’s the common currency of their cultures. It’s true emphasizing the values of austerity, honesty, empathy, chastity, loyalty, humility and hard work tend to create very successful communities. But also I’m not into standing, holding hands, and singing a bunch of outdated songs from like a thousand years ago in front of a man being nailed to a board by the government for thinking he could actually make it in life. Strategically a smart life goal: broadening the accessibility of Judaism outside of it’s divinely required self centeredness, ruthlessness, and exclusiveness-- and this would have gained Jerusalem power.. But Juruselem was not wild Arabia, there was jealous Rome, and that Jesus dude flipped over Pharisee Morgenthough’s table how RUDE.
The jewish doctrine is extremely hostile to outsiders, maybe the most racist ideology but one that actually limits it’s own ability to gain a population. Extremely harsh and hardened war veterans with uncompromising discipline will always finish their homework, place frugality and miserliness above other priorities, as God stipulated when he told them to charge interest to other races, and probably not select for looks above everything when seeking a mate. And that veteran will not move out from under that minivan he dove under at the gas station while attempting to seek cover from the passing station wagon. He will not do what they say NO MATTER WHAT. The Babylonians and Persians will have to do this the hard way. We are on the winning side, not only do we have reason to celebrate, we have a ethno/religious group of high IQ liberals so confident that when they look at you and observe, you might as well be at the mercy of two 45’s which can light you up at any time, using the latest techniques_ I’m socialized to a well oiled tranquility with the best gunslingers in NYC. Even the Rabbis have the sword and shield wall on the streets with connections and strings to pull… people to see. Just outwardly laughing almost hysterically at the thought that a man would choose to sell drugs or carry a gun illegally in NYC…”I dont understand lol, your saying they get a free education, all they have to do is graduate from highschool with a 4th grade reading level and they are automatically accepted to college with no money in hand?” “My great grandfather sold the farm for me to go to school, and then had to walk on broken glass everyday because he couldn't agree with the butcher on a price for his second hand shoes.. Ouch.. But he can seek solace in the fact that he’s about to purchase a $2.4 million home with a magnificent view of the docks and Manhattan skyline.
18 may be a very tender age for many to acclimate themselves away from everything they know about all leisure all the time, or 8 blunts a day until the point of psychitzophrenic ideations and eerily wandering the neighborhood throwing your hands around like your rapping but just saying “YOooooo”. Have to get them fired up by 25 into the “just barely passing college” academic lifestyle which requires at least the passing thought about one of the classes while you're home from school, but will require you to hide your inevitable straying from the eyes of your ironically smirking baby momma as she realizes she could have used a little help resisting your bad boy charm and deft use of the local street dialect, as well as her appreciation of the dedication you put into selling crack cocaine on the corner of 4th and Hudson. She thought you were really brave when that car shot up your trap house and you and your friends played a part in the planning and logistics of 1st degree murder but crazy YEDI was the triggerman, as evidenced by his facebook live video.
Rabbi Fasttalkinberg has weapons too, but they are much more deadly psychological torture weapons he yields willingly as you see him observing you from his gaggle of young orthadox Jews, and you know what he’s thinking… He sees through the stiff and starched, monastic regality of the clergy, a contemplative fasade doesn’t readily reveal any shimmering swords or ninjas stars he might be concealing. He might also be taking a little nap, seeking cognitive ease after powering through another slugfest in the bible study department of the church but it’s hot and he’s grumpy, he doesn’t know why, but he’s sad. He’s getting older and they never let him marry, he’s fully invested in the church but the flock dont seem to have that light in there eyes anymore, and he doesnt get those twinkling smiles from the young women of the congregation like he used to. Time for a nap then to sit in the chair in the living room and probably cry.
“Hey pal!”
“Keep it simple! You can do anything in this life gently…. ”
“What’s that!?” Walks up directly in front of the speaker and leans in to hear better.
“Just be gentle with yourself, you don't want any injuries from your tree climbing or acrobatics..” “..your doing too much..”
“Sorry!” “I didn't hear you a second time, do you mind putting a little bit of quality into the entertainment value of your writing so you can do all this work and get zero feedback like I do?
“Keep it simple, stupid! You can do anything in this world gently…. ”
LETS not pretend that the divinely guided Islamic Imams lasted more than 4 or 5 people in office before they made it a hereditary monarchy embracing the lavish lifestyles and stark class distinctions which guided the humble and empathetic Mohmmed, but exceptions had to be made because if the other countries see me slinking around in a dingy sweater vest like a (italics) Prime Minister, there libel to all invade at once and split apart my kingdom killing over 100K of my men, but even worse.. I’m not gunna have any more friends I’ll have to hang out with the (italics) “prime minister”…. He immediately extracts vast riches and wealth and creates the Taj mahol for his favorite wife and invites the Emir,Khanate and Caliphate to his blanket fort and realized they had the same idea! OHHHHH I dont wanna pray right now! I’m having so much fun with Abdullah the King of Kings and Slayer of Women!
I’m pretty sure God is not going to favor you just because you waste 1.5 hours a day cooing in passive, bored submission. It’s like turning on the TV to watch a hundred million people tell him $$$$ that he already knows, it’s all scripted and takes no mental effort, it’s like you buying a gift by just snatching a ticket out of the highway kioske and turning over and giving it to me. It means nothing to me, I dont need the highway, just follow the highway man I hope it leads you to where you need to go.. You dont need to be obsessive. I used to obsess over every little detail on my paintings, so much so that I was timid to take risks. All the bodies came out stiff and concervative.
You know they kindof reminded me of religious paintings in the middle ages. How did the greeks get such a fluid and realistic sculpted image of man? I think their studies would have been in anatomy and sculpting, and many they didnt feel like God was just going to give them a divine painting. They definitely were not scientific works, the artists were broken, too psychological and stiff, no free brushstrokes or natural emotion. The babies looked like a very stiff session of modeling without any familiarity with the forms, and a horrible geospatial perception, not willing to put in the effort to practice and see the world for what it really is and what it requires, but just dabbing a tiny liner brush at the very corner of the eyeball where the red meets the white. Meanwhile the whole figure looks like a brick with some graffiti on it on a bookcover in the exact same style as the last 400 paintings commissioned by lord clench-n-pray.
When you read a lot it seems to mute the participatory aspect of cognitive effort and relies on mechanical progress, like when you remember a book that you read and have to retranslate your knowledge into actually being able to talk freely about it. We are quantum computers, we need to open up our third eye and sense the baseball’s placement in facetime before smacking it out of the park, rather than graph the ball in space. This is one reason why hounding someone or being critical sometimes is the wrong thing to do unless your actively sabotaging someones game, being cool is the most pivotal aspect of performance which requires a degree of sophistication. Depression and social rejection were rife in those ecliasiastical artistic circles, they probably didnt get any respect from the church folk like Michalangelo got from Lorenzo Di Medici in Florence.
There is always more to learn and to show respect is a pivotal component of communication and academic texts such as this need to be in MLA times new roman at -.5 spacing. If I can understand what your writing your doing it wrong. Take your personality and shove it where the sun don't shine.
But thank you for keeping your feet clean. Honestly I do pray sometimes and I do think I see a magical presence and extreme flattering coincidences almost like by an entity that has more control over reality than we could even begin to imagine beyond “He’s the creator of the universe and He’s everything and everyone at the same time and has maximum potential in every possible way.”
I’m interested in anthropomorphism and using subatomic particles to signal and even animate objects faster than light which has been proven to be possible because subatomic particles somehow communicate with each other either a 1 or a zero, spin up, or spin down. Just imagine what 10 million years of evolution would do from where we are now?
I also don’t believe that the electrons that spin around the atom are different than the energy that we feel as consciousness, I think consciousness is a sensation of electrical energy of some kind. Think about it atoms want stuff, they want to oxidize, or they want to reduce, they want to have all their valence electrons, they want more life.. Unstable atoms want to find stability, the plutonium shoots out particles like a balloon shoots out air, molecules act in self preservation with multiple parts and form moving, chain reactions which our body uses to send nerve signals (calcium channels etc).
And since Einstein proved that the energy of an object is the weight of that object times the speed of light^2, everything in the universe is solid, pure energy, and in my opinion, is living. Imagine the feeling of just (italics) believing your not going to age or die? There must be a background noise caused by the ever present impending death that is muted by our subconscious- I wonder how that would feel to let go of. Background noise in the human condition needs to be organized and discarded, by building consensus.
Diminishing wasted time is a huge part of this. It takes effort to organize things; writing names, making phone calls, not being a wacky group that believes some crazy shit is going to happen that the FBI needs to get involved with before you finally move to Mexico and bribe the Sinoloa cartel to extort money from your child bride lobbying PAC and coerce you into paying a dollar per hundred for smuggled marked dirty Thai money stolen at gunpoint by the stepson of the principle sex trafficker who was subsequently abducted by a Thai special intel unit and used as an alibi to let the money “walk” overseas in an effort to boost Thai tourism. It was dumped out of a Bancock black site and bundled into a semisubmersible with a Thai Coast Guard Cadet duck taped to a walkie talkie in the stowaway and the Andoman islands coming into site. The Chinese Coast guard spotted the craft with the New Weebo infrared cell phone camera and garnishes identifying information, which is then used as leverage to enlist the stepson in a “Special project” to find soft spots in the Russian military command gathering in Venzuela for the upcoming war games.. The Russians are kind with the CHinese but Bejing guages its safest bet is to have the maximum potential leverage. The stepson find on the dark web that there is a central hub of activity on a cluster of front sites which claim to sell specialty toys within the Russian forces which may actually be a honeypot of it’s own. $83,576 dollars in bribes later the stepson has his tentacles into the market where he used the overflowing briefcase of Marked Thai currency as a conversation starter with the Russians, who are notorious for their spies and double dealing. Finally one was on the line, there was a transaction on a front website foolishly selling large porcelaine dolls for over $45,000 which entered the blockchain and the “building facilitator went out for a drive with a drone flying high above his head to spot a tail. The religious zealot was done lobbying, he had surreptitiously installed cameras on the vehicle and now knew where the stash house was, a nice house in the Tijuana suburbs operating as a day care. The stepson was already on it with cameras installed in the lobbysists front porch, he made a call to a sleeper cell as it was revealed he was in fact a QUADRUPLE AGENT, he had been working for the Americans, home of the brave and big checkbooks! (But his loyalty actually belonged to the Canadaians, to which he attempted to defect after his debriefing and was laughed at heartily by the Canadian Intel as they stroked their beards and leaned back into the action, maximizing the humiliation as he realized Cananda is not Belarus, and his whole knowdlgr of canada was based on a pictured taped to his textbook as a joke in highschool.. He shook his fist and they ran is report and placed him at the scene of the crime in Tijuana, the CIA disavowed him, the CHinese never heard of him, the Thai special intel unit never actually existed it was a dark web reality show sponsored in part by Sean Hannity and a cadre of elites who are regulars at bilderberg, which is where more than one Mexican crop is consumed every year.. Annnd his stepdad had him wacked in prison 2 months later.
Theres apparently this pesky devil guy who keeps mucking up all the tadpole pools that He planted so he could watch the same old shit play out that did back in 700AD, or better yet, 4000BC. “Just be careful about the pictures and using the name without adding my exalted title with it as if to remind me that you are more like a pet dog groveling for a tasty afterlife than a being in the world subject to the human condition just like all the rest of them. Prostrate yourself before me while swearing your a good boy, even though that time could be spent teaching, giving money away, sharing information to disadvantaged and parentless youths who have no one to turn to. It’s all about you and me in the end. Populate those community service tents with sultry eligible bacheorettes and I “suddenly care more about the terminally ill child who everybody forgot about and they don't get to see their favorite basketball player because he’s ona spaceship this weekend taking a $30 million flight to 0 gravity and little Joey has only been given 6 days to live. But it’s back to that prayer rug again, you could have lied and said you were someone special... "Leave me and go to others"- all that memorizing may be good for you but Islam is quite the investment at this point. “For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls on the ground.” - This is actually pretty addictive!
The Pagan desert tribes in the 7th century Arabian desert did need to ‘get with the times’, and if you think about it Mohammed may have supposed that his Monotheism quasi judaic religion would enlist the support of the plentiful jewish population in Arabia, the Levant, and Anatolia which was seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. It would have been a great idea for the Gallic tribes of the BC era to adopt the Roman Pantheon and live like the Romans, giving themselves a diplomatic edge. By that time paganism wasn’t as cool because the major states had monotheism. The tribes of Arabia lived lives of blood fueds and disharmony, jockeying for the scarce resources of the desert.
I honestly am scared for some of the politicians out there these days, I think they are starting to resort to ‘all out’ tactics which may turn our political class into a collection of criminals. Were the first 44 Presidents the “Rightly Guided?”. I guess it just comes down to who is trying to help the disadvantaged and evolve our notions about humanity and respect.. We can’t pretend that the civilized society they want to bring us would include those same ads and research, and hacking, spying, targeting, raiding. But I’m used to the Ancient Roman way, so I can’t say I’m much discouraged!
Looking at my paintings you may not feel the stillness and tactful simplicity of the classical ethos. I feel like im not entitled to put a simple idea on so much space,I feel that if you sell an apple for $1, in order for me to get $1 I need to give the whole tree. But if you look closely you may see lots of simpler scenes in one painting. I’m a ‘big idea’ haver, a generalist. I understand the city but not the cars in it, I can make a video game but I never play them. I always want to hang out, I just want to hang out and work on the future of dope art and NFT marketing, and I wanna sell it but I’m stuck typing this overblown painting informational. The main idea is the capital which funds the municipal budget, the concept never has to be celebrated for the workers to show up and the bobcats to engage. The trees are planted, the cement is pouring, the grass is green, and the wind is blowing. The trenches are dug and the walls are stil standing. The wild eyed defenders are being recruited and housed in downtown lofts in the arts district (6 to a room). The paint is in the bucket and the brush is on the edge, and unless I witness the Holy Spirit animate after being captivated by a white flag waving, groveling junkyard dog’s sales pitch, the fence is not going to paint itself!