My weekly updates are going to be a little essay with a video to match. They are not going to be very thorough, but more like impressions of what I’m trying to say. I will generally take the liberty of expoundingy about my social advocacy campaign after things like mass shootings, which is what I have done here.
I at times perceive the world as it relates to me as resembling a prison. This is not to say I’m a defeatist, perceptions and generalizations take so many perspectives across the spectrum of available descriptions that it is a mistake to think that I’m that cynic who has a prison delusion.
Animosity Anecdote
I want to look at the world as if it is mine, and I can do what I please without fear of retribution, this is somtimes what artists do with their own statements, they make some kind of inference that they are enlisting the taboo to affect distaste,which then elicits the secondary reflection on how that distatse is based on a cultural flaw of some kind. . I, however, do not intentionally illicit animosity, it just happens naturally, It’s very easy to fall into the ‘creepy’ category, i remember multiple occasions when a group of girls for examples will label a man who is alone in public, or who talks about and does things that are different, experimental, or adventurous, (or is just not good looking) as ‘creepy’. Being labeled as ‘creepy’ indicates that you have been labeled as a threat, and the creepy designation is technically a way to save the flock of woman from the potential agresor. It can morph into a preemptive strike from the women, which usually indicates that in fact they were creepy, because they were a real threat, when after all, some lone ranger straggler braving the open range and having the presence of mind to reach outside of the box is in fact the glorious protagonist.
I understand that people in groups act differently and these are things that happen naturally and it’s not that simple to disect and assign blame, take sides, and let the dice roll.
People can say ‘dont judge me’ but you will inevitably be measured against a standard and depending on that standard and the penalties for failing to comply with it, you will either find grace, or destitution. It is a series of colored dots on a line and each persons outward representation is a pattern, like this : -- ---- -- - - ------ ---- you should have the same pattern to a degree as the flock with which you wish to fly. This is how I see social interaction, as being much more sensitive and complicated, (and dangerous) than just expecting others to conform to a certain social style or else punish them for it. This is one of the things that makes me very socially liberal, not in the sense that I desire taxes, but in the sense that I understand that people come from all walks of life and to properly exploit their strengths your going to have to have an open mind.
Things naturally tighten up and become like a police state instead of becoming more relaxed let me give you an example: The universe is in chaos, the laws that govern the universe are not created to keep you living gracefully upon the feather soft safe space of earth. The needs and wants, antipathies, mutual arrangements, loyalties, self interests, vendettas, grudges, past offenses, familial complexities, competitive realities, and personal and physical attractions and politcal afiliations, language and cultural differentiations, national identities, etc, are like magnets pulling people, groups, nations in different directions. In other words we live in a fragile world. How much do things benefit you? Your country benefits you for the most part, and people within the country have their interests served by the government, but look at the hornets nests of competing interests vying for control and influence, they are even in the same country and they are bordering on civil war, and this is a very prevalent condition throughout the world. WOur universe has a level of ‘entropy’ and seemingly the only way to prevent this entropy from taking over is to further and further micro manage situations and people, but by doing that you are strangling the life out of your society.
In some respects, we naturally evolve into police state, polarize, people naturally people are drawn to conflict,we fall rather than float. This all leads back to my own self interest, I’m always amazed when I see parents managing their children in public, “STOP DOING THAT” “CANT DO THAT” “GET OVER HERE” “YOU SIT DOWN” “put your feet down!” I sleepin the training room at work on lunch break and I know that somebody may find me in their and say “cant sleep in the break room sorry” Better safe than sorry is kind of a lock down mentality, for better or worse. I spent time working at a pen factory and one of the stations was packing the pens into the boxes. Workers stand while packing the pens, they do not sit. I wonder about systems liek this when the process is meant to be as efficient as possible but is made more inefficient by a kind of enforcement that almost labels increased comfort and energy savings during work as ‘not responsible’ because this seems to infer that suffering is more responsible.